new bog
I think I have cracked this puzzle at will not allow me to post here with my new address, so I have had to set up a new blog with my new addy and password...
so if any of you want to join me over there please do....I don't want to lose all you lovely followers..
Brenda x
Sunday, 11 July 2010
OK....I am looking for help here....if I sign in with my OLD email I come to this blog (and of course THIS email will cease to be shortly)
I find that I can sign in with my NEW email but it takes me to my new blog and I don't know how to direct my followers to the new blog.
If I continue to blog on here, will I still be able to even after my email is defunct?...any help welcome....???
I find that I can sign in with my NEW email but it takes me to my new blog and I don't know how to direct my followers to the new blog.
If I continue to blog on here, will I still be able to even after my email is defunct?...any help welcome....???
well firstly let me apologise to all those who are following my blog. We are quitting ntl (too long and complicated to go into) SO i have changed my email address.....I did that and when I tried to sign in to my blog, it said that my password was incorrect (with my new email) I clicked to retrieve it and it said that my EMAIL was matter what I do it will not give me access....the only reason I am here right now, is using my ntl email and old password but as soon as we pull the plug on ntl I will not be able to access this blog,......
I have tried everything but nothing works....sooo
I am very sorry folks...but I am going to disappear into the ether.....
I even tried to set up another blog but google won't let me.....if anyone knows of another place to start a new blog...please send me a message through my folksy shop
to everyone else....good selling....
I have tried everything but nothing works....sooo
I am very sorry folks...but I am going to disappear into the ether.....
I even tried to set up another blog but google won't let me.....if anyone knows of another place to start a new blog...please send me a message through my folksy shop
to everyone else....good selling....
Saturday, 10 July 2010
well I have had to change my password to access my blog....but I will also need to change my email address soon, so might have the same problem again soon....BUT at least I am able to blog today.
Got some lovely cherry coloured yarn tomorrow I shall start a new project....late now so time for me to go to bed....zzzzzzzzzzzz
Got some lovely cherry coloured yarn tomorrow I shall start a new project....late now so time for me to go to bed....zzzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, 8 July 2010
LOL....I bought one of those polystyrene wig blocks to use for putting hats and scarves on to make them look better in my folksy shop.....
It looked very dull and boring, so I painted a face on it looks like something from Star Trek !!!!...perhaps I should buy her a wig. My husband has named her Jacqueline....not sure why!!
At least it will be a bit
I have just finished a baby set, jacket bloomers and a hat....I will try to get photos taken early next week. I am not very good at taking pictures and I usually have to take at least 20 just to find ONE decent often takes me long to get photos done, than to make the item....never mind I have Jacqueline now...I am sure she will I should get a Jack !!??)
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
this is a tiny waistcoat that is listed in my folksy shop
It would look lovely over a pretty summer dress or pair of trousers......
Of course it is made in my favourite purles and mauves.....what
We have workmen here today, taking down our old conservatory and putting up a new one. How come when the old one is falling down, it is taking them SO long to demolish it?...strange that
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
just finished this little baby cardigan. I don't usually use other people's patterns, mostly design my own but this lady has some really pretty baby patterns which i then to Heather Davidson for this one. Heather sells her patterns and allows people to make them up for sale...which is what I shall be doing with this one.
Hopefully it will be in my folksy shop some time next week.
Monday, 5 July 2010
this piece of crochet is the piece that I designed for the freeform crochet challenge. Each member made a piece and every piece was photographed and then put into a book which was sold for charity. As a person who loves purple, I just had to include purple in my piece...It was great fun to do. Although it doesn't show up very well, the darker pieces were in a glittery yarn and most of the circles were made from the elusive bullion stitch that so many crocheters find difficult.....
A beautiful day today and I need to go and take more picture to list items in my folksy and etsy shops.....
Sunday, 4 July 2010
well, I have spent most of the day trying to change my email address on the groups that I belong to .....etsy and folksy were easy but Paypal and ebay were very complex and caused a lot of hassle....never mind, is all done now....
Back to my crochet.....hopefully I will post some more pictures tomorrow......sigh.....
Back to my crochet.....hopefully I will post some more pictures tomorrow......sigh.....
Saturday, 3 July 2010
I have made another little dolly cot bag...this tiny crocheted bag, turns inside out and becomes a drawstring bag....and comes complete with a tiny like this, is already available in my folksy shop and I will be adding this one shortly....
I am glad to be home from my holiday and back to my crochet......
Friday, 2 July 2010
well...home at last.....
We spent five days in Yorkshire and despite visiting lots of different places, I was disappointed that I never found a single ball of yarn.....nor could I find any buttons.....
we walked and walked and had to get up early every day for Breakfast, so I am glad to come home for a nice rest....nothing like your own bed..........and now I can reopen my etsy and folksy shops and get listing again. Holidays are lovely but I miss my crafting.
Hope to list more items this weekend
We spent five days in Yorkshire and despite visiting lots of different places, I was disappointed that I never found a single ball of yarn.....nor could I find any buttons.....
we walked and walked and had to get up early every day for Breakfast, so I am glad to come home for a nice rest....nothing like your own bed..........and now I can reopen my etsy and folksy shops and get listing again. Holidays are lovely but I miss my crafting.
Hope to list more items this weekend
Friday, 25 June 2010
well this is the last post until Saturday on a few trips out and about. My kids are staying home and looking after the house (they are grown ups )....we are going to York for a few days on a coach holiday....wish I could take my crochet with me...but I will find some nice yarns and ideas while we are away.
I have started more cowl neck scarves and some beanie hats for when I come back, so watch this space.......
It is hot today and the sea is sparkling....Devon is just about visible from my window but there is a lot of heat haze out there.
Dh just bought me a nice cuppa , so I will enjoy that....
followers, please don't desert me...i shall be back next weekend with lots of ideas and info.... on a few trips out and about. My kids are staying home and looking after the house (they are grown ups )....we are going to York for a few days on a coach holiday....wish I could take my crochet with me...but I will find some nice yarns and ideas while we are away.
I have started more cowl neck scarves and some beanie hats for when I come back, so watch this space.......
It is hot today and the sea is sparkling....Devon is just about visible from my window but there is a lot of heat haze out there.
Dh just bought me a nice cuppa , so I will enjoy that....
followers, please don't desert me...i shall be back next weekend with lots of ideas and info....
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Here is one of my freeform is made from a mixture of yarns and fibres and is soft and scrunchie. It has a dc (sc to the US) lining.
I have this listed in my folksy shop
I love doing freeform crochet because there are no patterns and you just choose a yarn and go in whichever direction you feel like. It is also a way of using some of the smaller balls of yarn that fibre artists accumulate !!
It has just started to rain....nothing new for the UK
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
here is a little girl's first shopping is made in a glazed cotton which I think is synthetic....(someone gave me the I have to guess!!)
The bag is about 7" square (ish)...and I hope to list it in my folksy shop at the end of next week.
It was fun to make because it is full of pretty Spring colours .
It is nice outside again today and the sea is fact there is a heat haze over the sea and Devon has disappeared !! I need to get my hook working and making more items. I am going to stock pile things for the Christmas rush...says in hope.....only 6 months away you know !...why is it that the winter drags and the summer rushes by?????
Time for a nice cuppa......
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
well here is what I have been busy making today. I also made a purple one both of which will be listed in my shops soon. I won't list until the first monday in July because my pc is going to have some work done on it and I don't want people trying to buy and wondering why it hasn't been posted.This is a cowl neck moebius scarf which can be just worn around the neck or even pulled up over the head like a hoodie....
In the winter time, I make them in all colours and I am already thinking of making them and stock piling them ready for the hoped for Christmas rush....The price will hopefully just be £5 plus p&p which I hope is a reasonable price. The one in the picture is in a soft and pretty cream coloured acrylic....... I have lots of other items that I have made this week, all waiting to be photographed ready for listing....
Monday, 21 June 2010
well Folksy are replacing my listing fees for the cardigan that the person didn't want to buy, so that is good. I managed to make another dolly cot bag which I will list in a few days.....this one is in cream and navy.
I also finished another cream moebius cowl neck scarf/neckwarmer.
Now I need to sort out my stash again so that I can see what to make next......
I shall be missing on here next week as I am having my pc if you are reading this , please don't desert me..missing from next Monday and .I will be back next the mean time....back to my crochet......
I also finished another cream moebius cowl neck scarf/neckwarmer.
Now I need to sort out my stash again so that I can see what to make next......
I shall be missing on here next week as I am having my pc if you are reading this , please don't desert me..missing from next Monday and .I will be back next the mean time....back to my crochet......
Sunday, 20 June 2010
not a happy bunny today.....I had an email to say that someone had bought the cardi that I showed a picture of on Friday...I was thrilled....
then i got an email to say that the person concerned was only showing a friend how to use folksy and that they hadn't completed the NOW as well as the disappointment, I have to relist it and possibly pay another listing fee for it.
then i got an email to say that the person concerned was only showing a friend how to use folksy and that they hadn't completed the NOW as well as the disappointment, I have to relist it and possibly pay another listing fee for it.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Had a nice lie in this morning and then sorted out some yarns. My next project will be a granny square handbag....not sure what size it will turn out yet so it might be for a little girl...we will have to see. I have some pretty yarn in spring colours that will look nice.
I might not be able to start it until tomorrow as we are having friends round this evening....
It is a lot more cloudy today but still warm....
I hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
I might not be able to start it until tomorrow as we are having friends round this evening....
It is a lot more cloudy today but still warm....
I hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
Friday, 18 June 2010
today I finished the circles cardigan that I was making.....and I managed to take pictures and get it listed in my folksy shop....
I had to undo the bands twice because I didn't like them.....took a while , but I would rather that they were well done and looked nice. Second best isn't good enough for me.....
I also went to town and got some more yarn...I need it like a hole in the head but the shop was like a magnet....come in and buy....come in and I DID !!!!!
here is the link to my folksy shop
Thursday, 17 June 2010
well I finished the new baby cardigan but I didn't like the bands on it, so I unpicked them and redid them...oh the joys of designing your own things......often they don't work out quite right and you have to change what you have done.
I have now sorted out my yarns ready for my next project which will be a purple moebius neck this space.
I hope to get some pictures of the cardigan done soon and then it will be listed in my folksy shop
I have now sorted out my yarns ready for my next project which will be a purple moebius neck this space.
I hope to get some pictures of the cardigan done soon and then it will be listed in my folksy shop
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
a lovely lady with a folksy shop has set up a blogspot which is featuring all sorts of fabulous hand made products...there is also a flick group with wonderful pics of things that talented people have made....I have tried to copy and past it here but it won't paste...duh....
I have now started a new baby cardigan in pink/mauve and is in crocheted pinwheel design...I used to make lots of jackets in this design so it is nice to go back and make something that I used to love doing....
I hope to get it finished by tomorrow and then if I can get my head round a larger size...which is not easy because it isn't just a case of adding a few stitches, you have to add a whole pinwheel on each front and two on the the size increases quite a lot....
mmm....need to do some thinking....
I have now started a new baby cardigan in pink/mauve and is in crocheted pinwheel design...I used to make lots of jackets in this design so it is nice to go back and make something that I used to love doing....
I hope to get it finished by tomorrow and then if I can get my head round a larger size...which is not easy because it isn't just a case of adding a few stitches, you have to add a whole pinwheel on each front and two on the the size increases quite a lot....
mmm....need to do some thinking....
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
today for a change, I listed some of my cartoons in my folksy shop.....I have dozens of them in boxes in cupboards and they are taking up valuable space that could be filled with yarn !!!
I used to draw, paint and sell cartoon greetings cards at craft fairs but then the world and his wife started selling cards and for me, the bottom dropped out of the market...
Crochet has always been my first love so that is what I have gone back to.....
Monday, 14 June 2010
well I have been busy sorting out more yarns and reading all the forums on folksy.....I am now going to see if I can upload a picture on here....I hope it will make more interesting reading for goes with one of my little dolly cot bags....these cots turn inside out to make a little drawstring bag and I make them for sale in my folksy shop
Oh wow it worked...thank you ...I think it was AverilPam on folksy......
Sunday, 13 June 2010
well it started off sunny outside and then the rain came...nothing unusual there
I have finished the main body parts of another child's cardigan and sorted out more yarns for a freeform purse....I must do some more of the dolly cot bags.
I have made a lot of nice people on the folksy group...they are SO helpful and it is nice to read and see what others are making. I just hope that we can all get some customers soon as there are such beautiful things on offer for sale. I know that now, having found folksy that this will be the first place I will look when I am looking for presents in the future
I have finished the main body parts of another child's cardigan and sorted out more yarns for a freeform purse....I must do some more of the dolly cot bags.
I have made a lot of nice people on the folksy group...they are SO helpful and it is nice to read and see what others are making. I just hope that we can all get some customers soon as there are such beautiful things on offer for sale. I know that now, having found folksy that this will be the first place I will look when I am looking for presents in the future
Saturday, 12 June 2010
well I finished another dolly cot bag which I will list later in the week. I have also started another child's jacket.
Dh was at a meeting today, so I spent all morning drooling over my dvd of Margaret Hubert's freeform crochet.....she makes such fabulous lady's jackets. I used to make lots of jackets but I am not sure about putting them in my folksy shop due to the weight of them and having to take them to the post office, (if they sell).
That is why, at the moment, I am sticking to babies and children's items.....
perhaps soon I will make a lady's jacket and give it a chance. they are VERY heavy.
well, it is a beautiful day so I think I will sit outside, looking out over the sea and crochet.
Dh was at a meeting today, so I spent all morning drooling over my dvd of Margaret Hubert's freeform crochet.....she makes such fabulous lady's jackets. I used to make lots of jackets but I am not sure about putting them in my folksy shop due to the weight of them and having to take them to the post office, (if they sell).
That is why, at the moment, I am sticking to babies and children's items.....
perhaps soon I will make a lady's jacket and give it a chance. they are VERY heavy.
well, it is a beautiful day so I think I will sit outside, looking out over the sea and crochet.
Friday, 11 June 2010
well I have spent most of the morning finishing off some crocheted items and even longer trying to get good pictures of them. Took nearly 1.5 hours to find pics that were reasonable.
Anyway they are now listed in my folksy shop
Now I can sort out some more yarns for my next project...and perhaps take a quick trip to the local yarn shop.......the car is on automatic pilot to get
Anyway they are now listed in my folksy shop
Now I can sort out some more yarns for my next project...and perhaps take a quick trip to the local yarn shop.......the car is on automatic pilot to get
Thursday, 10 June 2010
well I have worked hard this morning and made half a baby cardigan....mauve (of course) best thing to purple.......
I hope to do the other half this evening and then add all the edgings etc later tomorrow. I need to go and get some more colours too......I might take a trip to town to see what is available.....
I also need to take pictures of the dolly cot bags so that I can list them tomorrow
I hope to do the other half this evening and then add all the edgings etc later tomorrow. I need to go and get some more colours too......I might take a trip to town to see what is available.....
I also need to take pictures of the dolly cot bags so that I can list them tomorrow
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Got up this morning and had an email to say that I had my first sale on ETSY !!...woohoo...
Only a tiny pair of prem baby shoes but it is a start. So now I have a sale on Etsy and a sale on Folksy....I am really pleased with that.
I finished another dolly cot bag and now have to find the tiny dolls to put each one. I have dozens of them upstairs...just need to locate them.
When I made these little cots before, I bought a box of the dolls as they are quite hard to find .Tomorrow I want to start another little baby cardigan.....I want to try to list a variety of items in each of my shops.
Only a tiny pair of prem baby shoes but it is a start. So now I have a sale on Etsy and a sale on Folksy....I am really pleased with that.
I finished another dolly cot bag and now have to find the tiny dolls to put each one. I have dozens of them upstairs...just need to locate them.
When I made these little cots before, I bought a box of the dolls as they are quite hard to find .Tomorrow I want to start another little baby cardigan.....I want to try to list a variety of items in each of my shops.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
well I have had a very busy day, so this is short and sweet today. I wound some yarns and made a tiny dolly cot bag...a little crocheted cot that contains a little doll. You can turn it inside out and it becomes a little drawstring bag.
I used to make these years ago and thought that I would make a couple for my shop.....hopefully they will be for sale by the end of the week.
we have had visitors most of the now it is my bed time...night night
I used to make these years ago and thought that I would make a couple for my shop.....hopefully they will be for sale by the end of the week.
we have had visitors most of the now it is my bed time...night night
Monday, 7 June 2010
Monday 7th June
well I have just listed a traditional granny square cushion cover and a tiny freeform purse in my folks shop
I had trouble getting nice pictures and then when I downloaded the ones of the cushion cover they were enormous !!!...not sure why , because when i downloaded them to my flickr account they were perfectly ok.
hope you like them
I had trouble getting nice pictures and then when I downloaded the ones of the cushion cover they were enormous !!!...not sure why , because when i downloaded them to my flickr account they were perfectly ok.
hope you like them
Sunday, 6 June 2010
well I continued with the granny square cushion cover today...but to me it is a "no brainer".....bit boring, so I am only doing a bit to it each day.
Instead I wound off some yarns and made a magic ball and made another freeform purse.
I hope to take pics tomorrow afternoon and get it listed.
For those who don't know, a magic ball is a lot of short lengths of yarn joined together and wound into a crochet and never know when the colour will change, so everything you make will turn out different.
The purse I made today was mostly browns and oranges. It measures 4" x 4" and will be in my folksy shop soon for just £3.50
Instead I wound off some yarns and made a magic ball and made another freeform purse.
I hope to take pics tomorrow afternoon and get it listed.
For those who don't know, a magic ball is a lot of short lengths of yarn joined together and wound into a crochet and never know when the colour will change, so everything you make will turn out different.
The purse I made today was mostly browns and oranges. It measures 4" x 4" and will be in my folksy shop soon for just £3.50
Saturday, 5 June 2010
well, another beautiful day here and the sea is sparkling in the sunshine. I might sit outside and crochet today.....I need to go to my stash first and wind off some smaller balls of yarn.....
I have seen some wonderful crochet websites today...very inspirational......
My favourite is my friend Prudence's ...such a fabulous lady......
I love freeform crochet and want to make some more freeform purses....I like the thrill that you never know what the end product will this space.....
I have seen some wonderful crochet websites today...very inspirational......
My favourite is my friend Prudence's ...such a fabulous lady......
I love freeform crochet and want to make some more freeform purses....I like the thrill that you never know what the end product will this space.....
Friday, 4 June 2010
Lucky me.....three weeks ago I had a phone call from a lady asking me if I had recently done a survey....well we get SO many unsolicited calls that I nearly put the phone down, but for some reason I didn't. I told her that I didn't remember doing any survey. She said it was on computers....yeah chance....I told her that I would not have filled in anything about computers because I am not very technical.....she said the company that she was from... and a little light came on in my was the company that published "Papercraft Inspirations"...I told her that I received this magazine (It was a Christmas pressie from my son)....and that there was a remote possibility that I might have filled in something about card making and crafts in general.....
Then she told me that I had been picked out of a draw and had won £100 in vouchers for any high street store !!!!!...the vouchers came this morning...woohoo....i feel a shopping spree coming on !!
spent the rest of the day defrosting the freezer....took 3 hours !!! with a hammer and chisel !!! to crochet ..............
Then she told me that I had been picked out of a draw and had won £100 in vouchers for any high street store !!!!!...the vouchers came this morning...woohoo....i feel a shopping spree coming on !!
spent the rest of the day defrosting the freezer....took 3 hours !!! with a hammer and chisel !!! to crochet ..............
Thursday, 3 June 2010
well today I spent a lot of the afternoon trying to take pictures of the items that I want to list for sale.....I reckon it takes me longer to get ONE decent photograph than to make an item to list.....aaargh.....
I have tried taking pictures outside but they come out much too bright...indoors too dark....think I'll climb up on the roof tomorrow...only
Decided to make some Granny squares today...this is breaking away from my normal style. My favourite crochet is freeform but it is difficult to make freeform into wearable garments that are a reasonable price. My days of supplying items to Harrods are in the past !! I used to machine knit suits that were sold in London's West End....those were good days.....
I want people to appreciate people like me who put a lot of hard work into what they design and make. There are a lot of talented artists out there who are struggling to make ends some ways I get annoyed with the cheap imports and at the same time feel sorry for those talented people overseas who get paid a pittance for their hard work. I hope one day that people will be paid what they are worth......lecture
I have tried taking pictures outside but they come out much too bright...indoors too dark....think I'll climb up on the roof tomorrow...only
Decided to make some Granny squares today...this is breaking away from my normal style. My favourite crochet is freeform but it is difficult to make freeform into wearable garments that are a reasonable price. My days of supplying items to Harrods are in the past !! I used to machine knit suits that were sold in London's West End....those were good days.....
I want people to appreciate people like me who put a lot of hard work into what they design and make. There are a lot of talented artists out there who are struggling to make ends some ways I get annoyed with the cheap imports and at the same time feel sorry for those talented people overseas who get paid a pittance for their hard work. I hope one day that people will be paid what they are worth......lecture
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
well I delivered the baby set to my customer today and she loved it so much that she paid me DOUBLE !!!! I tried arguing with her but she kind of her. Someone that really appreciates all the hard work that goes into making a baby set....she knows that I will never do another one exactly the same, so her set is unique.
In order to keep a variety of items in my shop , I now intend to do a few items from granny squares. I don't usually do traditional but a lot of people like them, so I hope to add a few of these items to my folksy shop soon. Usually I design everything that I make but with granny squares I cannot claim fame to designing them, so that will be a bit different for me.
Going to sort out some matching yarns now........
In order to keep a variety of items in my shop , I now intend to do a few items from granny squares. I don't usually do traditional but a lot of people like them, so I hope to add a few of these items to my folksy shop soon. Usually I design everything that I make but with granny squares I cannot claim fame to designing them, so that will be a bit different for me.
Going to sort out some matching yarns now........
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
made two pairs of bootees today and delivered a baby set that was ordered.....
Listed my lemon baby cardigan in my folksy I need to sort out more yarns for my next project...I might do some more freeform crochet purses or perhaps a bag...I will sleep on it and see what i fancy making tomorrow.
Listed my lemon baby cardigan in my folksy I need to sort out more yarns for my next project...I might do some more freeform crochet purses or perhaps a bag...I will sleep on it and see what i fancy making tomorrow.
Monday, 31 May 2010
hard work
well today I finished the lemon baby V neck cardigan. I then decided to design some new baby boots which i finished and then made a baby bonnet to to sit and write it down in my pattern book.....not too many crossings out this time....
lots of counting stitches....funny really because I hate maths !!
I need to take a lot of photos this week and get some of these things listed in my folksy shop.
lots of counting stitches....funny really because I hate maths !!
I need to take a lot of photos this week and get some of these things listed in my folksy shop.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
well I spent some of the day sorting out yarns and then settled on a baby v neck in lemon dk with some lemon sparkly yarn to decorate it
I have already done the body, fronts and one sleeve and hope to finish it all off tomorrow.
I have already done the body, fronts and one sleeve and hope to finish it all off tomorrow.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
well I worked hard today. I managed to finish the matinee coat that was ordered and also made a matching baby bonnet to go with it. I will try to deliver it to the customer in a few days time.
Now I have to sort yarns out for my next project.
I also listed one of the two baby coats in my folksy shop.
I have others to list but still need to take photos of them......wish it was as easy to take pics as to make them !!!!
Now I have to sort yarns out for my next project.
I also listed one of the two baby coats in my folksy shop.
I have others to list but still need to take photos of them......wish it was as easy to take pics as to make them !!!!
Friday, 28 May 2010
went to town today to get more yarn. I already have loads but someone ordered a white baby set and I don't have enough of the same dye lot to make it.....
It is important to always use the same dye lot or there could be a visible mark across the work.
Started the baby coat and half of it is done already..... I phoned the customer to tell her that it would be delivered in a couple of days.
It is important to always use the same dye lot or there could be a visible mark across the work.
Started the baby coat and half of it is done already..... I phoned the customer to tell her that it would be delivered in a couple of days.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
We have been out most of the day so not a lot of crochet done. However I hope to finish the latest baby coat tonight...if not then tomorrow....
tomorrow I need to get more yarn, so it will be a shopping day....
tomorrow I need to get more yarn, so it will be a shopping day....
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
well, I changed my mind about what to crochet today...I was going to start some more of my freeform crochet purses, but decided to start another baby jacket which I will finish first and then do some more purses.
I also spun some more fleece ready for the purses and then I will sort the yarns out into matching colourways.
It has been cooler today too.
I am out on a coach trip tomorrow, so I doubt if I will get much crochet done....better make sure that i get plenty done tonight.
I also spun some more fleece ready for the purses and then I will sort the yarns out into matching colourways.
It has been cooler today too.
I am out on a coach trip tomorrow, so I doubt if I will get much crochet done....better make sure that i get plenty done tonight.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
I have started a new little baby cardigan...not sure what style I am going to do it yet....just need to go with the flow.
Very hot outside, so a good time for sitting in the sun with my yarn and hook...
Very hot outside, so a good time for sitting in the sun with my yarn and hook...
Monday, 24 May 2010
well i didn't do much crochet today as we went shopping and then went out for a meal in the this is short and sweet......
need to get started on my next project...not sure what it will be this space...
need to get started on my next project...not sure what it will be this space...
Sunday, 23 May 2010
well, I managed to finish my tote bag today. it took longer to crochet the lining than make the bag but it had to be lined to give it extra strength. The bag will be listed on Folksy later today or in the morning.
I am now making some more of those pretty bullion circles...all in different colours and I will list those later in the week.
I am now making some more of those pretty bullion circles...all in different colours and I will list those later in the week.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
well a really warm day here today....but still plenty of time to crochet. I finished the main parts of the tote bag and am now working on the lining. I am doing a crocheted lining in dc (sc for the US readers).....I think a crocheted bag needs a lining to help hold the weight of anything that is put in it. I have used lots of different brown and gold yarns.....and even included some of my handspun yarns too.
I hope to list it in my folksy shop next week.
I hope to list it in my folksy shop next week.
Friday, 21 May 2010
well a beautiful day here today and the sea is glistening.....I managed to finish the crocheted T shirt and it is now listed in my folksy shop
I have also sorted out new yarns in browns and golds to make a tote bag. These are not my usual colours but when i was doing craft fairs I found them very popular.
I have already worked half way up the bag , so all going well so far.....and I am also collecting shorted lengths of yarn to make more of my freeform purses.
I have also sorted out new yarns in browns and golds to make a tote bag. These are not my usual colours but when i was doing craft fairs I found them very popular.
I have already worked half way up the bag , so all going well so far.....and I am also collecting shorted lengths of yarn to make more of my freeform purses.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
well I got a lovely bag of yarn delivered this morning. It was a gift from a special friend and there were some beautiful yarns there. I have already used some of them in the jumper that I am is coming along nicely now. nearly finished the back and front and then just got the sleeves to do. Then I can list it......need to get some sales going.
I also have a piece of crochet in the Online challenge which is also being published in a book soon...and sold for charity. I will list the url link soon but at the moment it is not for publication, so anyone reading this will have to wait a little longer.......
time to do more crochet....
I also have a piece of crochet in the Online challenge which is also being published in a book soon...and sold for charity. I will list the url link soon but at the moment it is not for publication, so anyone reading this will have to wait a little longer.......
time to do more crochet....
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
well this morning the postman delivered a huge cone of purple 4 now I can get on with my next project....I love purple and so do a lot of people, but it is a really difficult colour to find in the shops. NOW...I have a supply for a short while.
I am now making a child's multi coloured jumper....I work both sides at the same time, so that I make sure they match up...half way up the body part already...won't take long to finish and then start the sleeves.
I am now making a child's multi coloured jumper....I work both sides at the same time, so that I make sure they match up...half way up the body part already...won't take long to finish and then start the sleeves.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
well I spent a lot of time looking for my pattern books today...these are books full of designs that I have done in the past....I am looking for some inspiration. Then I wound off lots of small balls of yarn in similar colourways....they are now all in a bag ready to start my next project. A friend kindly said that she would send me some yarns that she no longer needed, so they might just be incorporated into this next garment.
I listed a pair of bootees in my Folksy shop and another pair in my etsy shop.....both the same but in different sizes.
The shops are looking good now....just need a few customers, so I need to get on with my crochet....
I listed a pair of bootees in my Folksy shop and another pair in my etsy shop.....both the same but in different sizes.
The shops are looking good now....just need a few customers, so I need to get on with my crochet....
Monday, 17 May 2010
Monday 17th May
well I had a busy day today...nothing new there for me.
I spent most of the morning trying to work out an easy pattern for more baby boots....well working out a pattern is easy but working out one that I am happy with is a different story. Anyway I now have a basic one done and tested....once I have made a few pairs then I can make more fancy and elaborate ones.
I haven't decided what my next project will be yet. I listed my little girl's waistcoat/gilet this morning
Tomorrow I hope to sort out different yarns for my next project. It has been a nice sunny day here today too...I just hope that winter is finally over. There are bluebells and wild violets all over my back garden and they look glorious.
time to get my crochet hooks at the ready !!.....
I spent most of the morning trying to work out an easy pattern for more baby boots....well working out a pattern is easy but working out one that I am happy with is a different story. Anyway I now have a basic one done and tested....once I have made a few pairs then I can make more fancy and elaborate ones.
I haven't decided what my next project will be yet. I listed my little girl's waistcoat/gilet this morning
Tomorrow I hope to sort out different yarns for my next project. It has been a nice sunny day here today too...I just hope that winter is finally over. There are bluebells and wild violets all over my back garden and they look glorious.
time to get my crochet hooks at the ready !!.....
Sunday, 16 May 2010
well I have had a nice lie in (my Sunday treat)....then had to unpack the Asda shopping (online). Managed to sew up the sides of a new sleeveless cardi which I have designed and nearly finished. Lots of ends to sew in. I have also ordered some more purple yarn. It is a very popular colour but not the easiest colour to find in the shops.
I need to write this design down , once I have checked the measurements.
It is wet outside and miserable , so I shall settle down and get my next project ready .
I need to write this design down , once I have checked the measurements.
It is wet outside and miserable , so I shall settle down and get my next project ready .
Saturday, 15 May 2010
well, I had a nice lie in this morning. Then I sorted out all my yarns ready for my next crochet project. I need more purple yarn. It is such a popular colour yet almost impossible to find in the shops.........I shall have to compromise with mauve until I can send away for some purple.
It is a nice day here in Wales and the sea is glistening.
My first sale on Folksy arrived safely so that is good.
Time to get started on the crochet...I need to list more !!
It is a nice day here in Wales and the sea is glistening.
My first sale on Folksy arrived safely so that is good.
Time to get started on the crochet...I need to list more !!
Friday, 14 May 2010
still practicing
still trying to remember what to do , just to find this page......I will have to write this down before I forget !!!
testing day 1
LOL...just testing to see if I could find my way back on here to put another post......
Gweddus designer crochet and crafts
well....this is my first attempt at blogging so I hope you will understand and be gentle with me if I make mistakes.
I design and make crocheted items and I do a lot of other crafts too. I paint cartoons and make cards and lots of other crafts.
I am keeping this short and sweet as I haven't a clue what I am
I design and make crocheted items and I do a lot of other crafts too. I paint cartoons and make cards and lots of other crafts.
I am keeping this short and sweet as I haven't a clue what I am
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